Service Times & Location
Services are at 10:30AM & 6:00pm on Sunday, and 7:30pm on Wednesdays. We are located at 2724 La Prada Drive, Mesquite, TX 75150. On the 4th Sunday of each month, our Sunday evening service is held early at 1:15pm.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Our Sunday morning services include singing praises to God, partaking in communion, a sermon message, an opportunity for giving and prayer. We welcome all visitors and know that you will find a loving environment that strives to glorify God as He describes in the New Testament. Adults, youth, and children worship together in the sanctuary.

5 Main Sunday Service Components
SingingWe join together to sing praises to God which glorify Him and edify each other CommunionEach week, we partake in the Lord’s Supper to commemorate the death of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ |
PreachingEach Sunday, we believe that God speaks to us through His Word, a message based on Scripture.
PrayerThroughout the service, several prayers are offered. We make known to God our desires and talk to Him through these prayers |
At the conclusion of the Communion service, we provide an opportunity for our members to “lay by in store” and give back a portion of that which we have been blessed with

Frequently Asked Questions
When you arrive you will be greeted by people who are genuinely happy to see you. Our service begins with engaging music, followed by an expository message from the Bible. This means that we teach from the Bible, helping you to understand it and apply it to your life. All of this takes place in a friendly environment where everyone is welcome, and everyone can belong.
What should I wear?No formal dress code. On Sunday mornings, most people wear business casual or something along those lines (sport coats/dresses/etc.).
What about my kids?Children participate in the worship service with their family/parents/friends/etc. |
What denomination does La Prada Drive COC belong to?La Prada Drive Church of Christ is not part of any denominational structure created by man. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and we look to God’s word for our direction. The congregation is led by Elders who have been appointed to oversee and feed the flock.
I’d like to know more. Who do I talk to?We are so glad you want to know more about La Prada Drive Church of Christ! You can speak to one of our Elders or Deacons or contact us here. |

How do I get connected?
First, sit wherever you would like in the auditorium (there are no assigned seats) and complete the card in the back of the pew to introduce yourself and place the card in the offering plate. An elder or deacon will contact you and thank you for visiting with us.
You will hear about a lot of opportunities to connect each Sunday morning during our announcements or during the sermon, as well as in the Sunday Bulletin. Be sure to say hello to one of the elders or deacons in the foyer after the service.
If you have further questions or want to know more about the church, ask an elder or deacon.
We need each other in the church. We are the body of Christ. The encouragement of others in the church helps give us strength and a family on which to lean. We invite you to be a part of our family.